uk/france - HUMAN JET TO CROSS CHANNEL be sung to the tune of Wings' Jet
Jet! The G-force is making me pull funny facesThe article that inspired: HERE
Flyin’ like a mastiff bat
Flyin’ a bit close to a hot air balloon
And jet, I thought the only
Lonely place was in a Cessna
Jet! Jet!
Jet! Two wings and four motors I’ll see you later
You think I am crazy I bet
Well, I’m not an evil dictator
Just a human jet!
Jet! Jet!
See you later, in Dover I really hope
See you later, in Dover I really hope
Bye bye monsieur, hello Dover
Jet! With the wind on my bald head it’s pretty cold
Climb on my back and we'll
Go for a ride in the sky
And jet, I’ll see you in Dover
I’m a human jet
Jet! Jet!
The song that conspired: HERE